转移 Admission-Based Scholarships
Your application for admission is also your application for a number of admission-based 奖学金. To be eligible for automatic admissions 奖学金 students must be studying on 的 Greeley Campus or Denver-Lowry Campus, be a degree-seeking student, and meet 的 GPA requirements. ** Students must be admitted by June 1 to be eligible for Admission-based 奖学金. Once you are admitted, you can apply for fur的r 奖学金 via your student 大熊星座的账户.
**Notes on eligibility:
- For transfer scholarship eligibility purposes, we use college credits from all previously attended institutions to compute 的 cumulative GPA for 转移 Scholarships.
- Students must be enrolled in at least 12 credit hours each semester to qualify for 的se 奖学金
- The admission-based 奖学金 listed are awarded to students who are working on 的ir first bachelor’s degree
- Students in off-campus, cash-funded programs are not eligible for 的se 奖学金 and should check with UNC 扩展校园 regarding scholarship opportunities
- The scholarship is awarded in yearly amounts divided into 的 fall and spring semesters. Admission Based Scholarships are not awarded for 的 summer term.